Flexible Video Bronchoscopy

Flexible video bronchoscopy is a minimally invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedure used to visualize and examine the airways (trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles) using a flexible bronchoscope. The bronchoscope is a thin, flexible tube with a light source and a camera at its tip, allowing for real-time visualization of the airway structures on a video monitor.

Here are the key aspects of flexible video bronchoscopy:

1. Preparation: Before the procedure, the patient may receive local anesthesia to numb the throat and reduce discomfort. In some cases, conscious sedation or general anesthesia may be administered to help the patient relax or to perform more extensive interventions.

2. Insertion of the bronchoscope: The bronchoscope is introduced through the nose or mouth and gently passed through the vocal cords into the trachea. The patient may be instructed to breathe deeply and swallow to facilitate the passage of the bronchoscope.

3. Visualization and examination: As the bronchoscope is advanced through the airways, the camera at the tip captures high-definition video images, which are displayed on a monitor in real-time. The bronchoscopist can navigate the bronchoscope and examine the bronchial tree, looking for abnormalities such as tumors, inflammation, infection, or other structural or functional issues.

4. Biopsy and specimen collection: If abnormal areas are identified during the examination, the bronchoscopist can use specialized tools passed through the bronchoscope to collect tissue samples (biopsy) for further analysis. These samples can be sent to a laboratory for microscopic examination and testing to help establish a diagnosis.

5. Therapeutic interventions: In addition to diagnosis, flexible video bronchoscopy allows for various therapeutic interventions. It can be used to remove foreign bodies from the airways, suction excessive secretions, deliver medications, place stents to keep the airways open, or perform laser therapy to treat tumors or strictures.

6. Post-procedure care: After the procedure, the patient is monitored for any immediate complications or adverse effects of sedation or anesthesia. The patient may experience a sore throat, mild bleeding, or coughing up blood, which usually resolves within a short time. Recovery time is typically minimal, and patients can usually resume normal activities shortly after the procedure.

Flexible video bronchoscopy is a valuable tool in diagnosing and managing a range of respiratory conditions. It provides direct visualization of the airways, allowing for accurate assessment, biopsy sampling, and targeted therapeutic interventions. The procedure is performed by bronchoscopists who have specialized training in airway examination and interventions.